Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Titsy and Sympathy

The photos spilled out over the lounge. They all looked like nice girls. Nice girls who just got caught up with the wrong guy. And that guy was Cain Oliver.

Oliver had a reputation as a low rent gigolo. Up until now he hadn’t really shown up on Vadgy’s professional radar. Sure, she had seen him hauled in now and again, charged with solicitation, but that was nothing out of the ordinary. She had seen him led off, time after time, to be strip-searched, fingerprinted and charged having been arrested in the Haight Ashbury precinct yet again.

He was a pitiful character; entirely full of himself and for no damned good reason. “The worst combination of character flaws” Vadgy thought “arrogant AND stupid”. She had almost felt sorry for him. But he had committed the cardinal sin when he screwed with Titsy and sympathy was no longer on the menu.

Titsy was just one of many women Oliver had ‘done over’. She had thought it was something special. He had told her she was perfect, unique, “the one”. Poor Titsy had so badly wanted to hear those words, when they came tumbling out of Oliver’s mouth that first night they met, she believed him. How naïve she had been.

“Mess with Tisty and you mess with me” Vadgy murmured as she ran her long, manicured fingernails over Oliver’s most recent mug shot. Her life was all about revenge now. Until he was behind bars everything else was on hold.

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