Vadgy woke suddenly as a voice came over the loudspeaker. “Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent into San Francisco, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.” She’d drifted off to sleep, midway through a Vogue article about Jackie Kennedy and her marriage to Onassis. How amusing Vadgy thought, that Jackie had now been married to two men who had both pursued her so aggressively in years gone by. Jack was certainly charismatic and had the reputation of being a tiger in the sack. She had to admit, she’d been tempted but ultimately, she demurred. He was a married man and the President at that. Whilst the Onassis money and the lifestyle that afforded certainly had its allure, Vadgy knew there was no way, no how, she could sleep with a man like Ari for those reasons alone. For Vadgy it had to be love and so far, no man had come close to what she felt for Kensington. The aircraft landed roughly and Vadgy was jolted back to reality. She gathered her belongings and made her way to the exit. “Thank you for choosing Delta Airlines Ms McVadge” the stewardess kindly said as Vadgy alighted. Vadgy was grateful to see her luggage appear quickly on the carousel. “One of the many benefits of travelling first class” she thought. As she reached down to grab the handle of her Louis Vuitton suitcase a hand stretched out and grasped the leather strap and lifted it away. She swung around quickly. “Hey! That’s my....”. She stopped in her tracks. “Hello Vadgy, long time no see”. Vadgy was shell shocked, frozen, and almost speechless. “Why..., Kensington, what are you doing here?”